
Elon Musk Plans Live Town Hall Event With Donald Trump on His X Platform

[Photo Credit: By UK Government - UK Government hosts AI Summit at Bletchley Park, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=139960020]

Elon Musk’s X reportedly now intends to conduct a live video town hall with Donald Trump, reintroducing the former president to a platform that he previously utilized extensively in his pursuit of a return to the White House.

The plans are a component of Musk’s overarching initiative to establish X as a focal point of political discourse.

According to an individual who is informed of the plans, X is also organizing a comparable town hall for the independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The dates of the events have not yet been finalized.

The individual stated that X is collaborating with the television network NewsNation to broadcast the events live on both platforms.

According to the individual, the town-hall format will enable X users to submit queries to the candidates.

Currently, X is exclusively organizing such events for presidential candidates.

According to the individual, Linda Yaccarino, the Chief Executive of X, proposed the concept of hosting a political event to NewsNation’s parent company as part of her efforts to increase the platform’s video content.

According to individuals who were privy to the plans, the program was initially intended to be a debate.

According to the sources, the Biden campaign was extended an invitation; however, they declined to participate in a debate or town hall.

According to an individual who is acquainted with the Biden campaign’s reasoning, the campaign’s decision was predicated on the fact that President Biden had explicitly stated his conditions for participating in two debates, which have already been scheduled.

It has been reported that Musk and Trump have been establishing a cordial relationship in recent months, engaging in phone conversations on a regular basis.

Musk has refrained from endorsing Trump; however, he expressed on X earlier this year that he is unable to envision himself voting for Biden this cycle.

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