
Chuck Schumer Reportedly Scheming to Impose New Bump Stock Ban

[Photot by: By WASR - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=63131657]

Following the Supreme Court’s invalidation of the Trump-era ban, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) now reportedly intends to try abd schedule a vote on legislation banning firearms bump stocks this coming week.

“The Senate can help restore this public safety rule, and next week, it will try. As majority leader, I have the ability to allow a unanimous consent vote, and we’ll see just what Republican MAGAs do: Will they allow it to go forward, or will they cower to MAGA and hurt the American people?” Schumer remarked in a recent press conference.

The national ban on bump stocks, which may turn semiautomatic rifles into ones that can fire hundreds of rounds per minute, was declared unlawful by the Supreme Court last week. In response to the bloodiest mass shooting in US history in 2017, the Trump administration finalized a rule banning bump stocks in 2018.

Schumer urged Congress to enact a law that would overturn the Supreme Court’s 6-3 decision after the judgment was made.

If Congress passed a law outlawing gun bump stocks, President Biden promised to sign it “immediately.”

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