
Influential Democrat Rep. Jim Clyburn Claims He Will Back Harris if Biden Doesn’t Run

[Photo Credit: By The Biden White House - https://twitter.com/WhiteHouse/status/1786768364804714526, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=149473134]

In the event that President Biden “ain’t there,” Representative Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) has now declared he would back Vice President Kamala Harris to assume the top slot on the ticket.

“I’m a Biden-Harris person, so I’m not getting away from that. I’m for Biden-Harris. I’m going to be for Biden if Harris ain’t there and I’m going to be for Harris if Biden ain’t there,” Clyburn said in a statement to USA Today.

Nevertheless, Clyburn, who is generally acknowledged for having helped Biden win the South Carolina primary, which helped him secure the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020, stated to The Hill and USA Today that Democrats ought to “stay the course” and “chill out,” despite the ongoing calls for Harris to unseat Biden as the front-runner.

During the debate on Thursday, the South Carolina Democrat acknowledged that the president gave a “poor performance.”

Democrats were alarmed by Biden’s unsteady debate performance, and they called for his resignation to allow someone else to face former President Trump in November.

Shortly after the debate, Harris supported Biden’s performance in an interview with CNN.

Clyburn has been a close ally of Biden’s for a long time, serving as the House Democratic leadership for more than 20 years.

Biden’s campaign took a significant turn when Clyburn backed him during the 2020 Democratic primary, setting him up for success in the White House.

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