
Kamala Refuses to Face Down JD Vance After He Confronts Her on Tarmac

[Photo Credit: By The White House - https://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/vice-president-harris/, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=99108854]

On Wednesday, Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance surprised reporters by attempting to confront Vice President Kamala Harris and her running companion Tim Walz on the tarmac in this location when their planes arrived at approximately the same time.

“I figured I’d come by and one just get a good look at the plane because hopefully it’s going to be my plane in a few months,” Vance told reporters after approaching Air Force Two.

“I also thought you guys might get lonely because the vice president doesn’t answer questions from reporters and hasn’t for 17 days.” he continued.

The unforeseen ploy diverted attention from a substantial rally in the vicinity, which featured Harris, 59, and Walz, the 60-year-old Minnesota governor who joined the Democratic ticket on Tuesday.

Harris and Walz engaged in a photo shoot with Girl Scout Troop #3307 on the tarmac shortly before Vance overshadowed their inaugural joint Midwestern campaign stop.

The Democratic candidates appeared to have departed mere seconds before their opponent approached.

After accusing Walz of stolen valor and criticizing Harris’ performance as President Biden’s designated point person on reducing illegal immigration at an event in Michigan earlier in the day, Vance’s approach appeared to be a spur of the moment decision.

“I’d love her to just answer what she wants to do and also explain why every single position she has has changed,” Vance remarked.

“She pretends to be a tough on crime prosecutor and yet here she is wanting to defund the police. She’s the border czar, yet she’s opened up the American southern border.” he continued.

“This is a person who has to answer questions from the media and it’s disgraceful that she runs from you guys, and it’s also insulting to the American people.” he added.

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