
Trump Introduces RFK Jr. at Raucous Campaign Rally

[Photo Credit: By Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America - Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=145151518]

Just a few hours after Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced his decision to suspend his campaign and endorse Trump, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump introduced him at his rally in Arizona on Friday.

Kennedy took the stage to the accompaniment of fireworks and a roaring audience, as Foo Fighters’ “My Hero” reverberated throughout the arena in a manner reminiscent of a rock concert.

“Tonight, I am very pleased to welcome a man who has been an incredible champion for so many of these values we all share. For the past 16 months, Robert F. Kennedy Junior has run an extraordinary campaign for President of the United States. Had he been allowed to enter the Democrat primary, he would have beaten Joe Biden.” Trump announced.

“His candidacy has inspired millions of Americans, raised critical issues that have been too-long ignored, and brought together people from across the political spectrum in a positive campaign grounded in the American values of his father, Robert Kennedy, and his uncle, President Kennedy. I believe they would both be very proud.” he continued.

During his introduction of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Trump stated that Kennedy contacted him following his assassination attempt last month.

In tribute to Kennedy Trump declared that he would establish a new commission to investigate and disclose information regarding presidential assassination attempts.

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