
Famous Political Forecaster Alan Lichtman Releases Official Prediction for 2024 Race

[Photo Credit: By The White House - P20220509AS-1282, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=119631359]

The results are in, and the historian known as the “Nostradamus” of presidential election forecasts has now officially predicted that Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris will defeat Republican rival Donald Trump in the Nov. 5 election.

Allan Lichtman, a distinguished professor at an American university, has predicted the outcomes of every U.S. presidential contest since 1984. This is his most recent election prophecy.

In a new op-ed video for The New York Times published on Thursday morning, Lichtman disclosed his decision.

“The Democrats will hold on to the White House, and Kamala Harris will be the next president of the United States. At least, that’s my prediction for this race.” Lichtman said.

The political landscape is analyzed through the lens of 13 true-false statements that are focused on the incumbent president’s party by the distinctive system he devised in the early 1980s with the Russian geophysicist Vladimir Keilis-Borok.

The challenger, Trump, is expected to prevail if six or more of the statements are inaccurate.

Lichtman’s analysis primarily avoids the use of poll results, campaign strategies, soundbites, policy plans, and other factors that are commonly relied upon by political commentators and analysts.

However, his methodology has generated outcomes.

Lichtman was one of the few political analysts who accurately predicted that Trump would defeat the Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton prior to the 2016 election.

Nevertheless, Lichtman’s model indicated that Trump would win the popular vote, a result he failed to achieve despite securing the Electoral College.

Lichtman accurately predicted that President Joe Biden would defeat Trump in the 2020 election.

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