
Glenn Beck Claims Fox News is ‘Dangerously Intoxicating’ Force for Evil

[Photo Credit: By Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America - Glenn Beck, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=65086191]

Glenn Beck, a former Fox News host, suggested during a conversation with Tucker Carlson in Salt Lake City, Utah, on Saturday that his former employer is a source of spiritual evil from which he is happy to be free.

Beck, a Mormon also claimed that Fox News searched through his garbage during his employment at the fourth stop of Carlson’s month-long national tour.

Beck initially extended his hand to Carlson in order to extend his congratulations on his status as one of “the only two survivors of Fox News.”

Beck later acknowledged that the fame and influence he had acquired at the company were a threat to his spiritual well-being, and as a result, he voluntarily relinquished them.

“When I was at Fox, it was like you could feel the White House move. I could feel the impact, and that’s pretty intoxicating. It’s so dangerously intoxicating, and I could feel it, and I didn’t like it and I left.” Beck said.

“I should say, I didn’t like it because part of me really liked it,” he added.

Beck claimed that Fox News had also employed an individual to sift through his garbage in an effort to uncover dirt on him.

Additionally, he claimed that Roger Ailes had personally threatened him by suggesting that they had information indicating that he had injured his own wife, an allegation that Beck vehemently denied.

Beck also stated that his superiors were monitoring the frequency with which he discussed God on the air and that they advised him to refrain from doing so.

Beck admitted to being captivated by the fame, fortune, and influence that Fox News provided.

“I think fame and fortune is battery acid to the soul,” Beck said.

However, he ultimately realized that he had to relinquish it in order to preserve his character, despite his strong desire to be a part of “the cool kid’s table.”

“I walk to the window — and I can still feel the cold glass on my forehead — and I leaned against the window, and I put my head there, and I’m looking down at the city, which is just intoxicating — if you like that kind of stuff, it’s intoxicating. And I looked down, and I’m like, ‘How can this be your plan?’ And I heard internally, I heard, ‘If you don’t leave now, you will not leave with your soul.'” Beck said

“The next day, I went in and tendered my resignation,” he added.

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