
Trump Campaign Reportedly Now Considering Nikki Haley for VP

Photo by Gage Skidmore

The campaign of Donald Trump is actively considering Nikki Haley for the position of running mate, according to two sources with knowledge of the situation who spoke to Axios.

The Republican rivals maintain a frigid relationship, but Trump might choose Haley if he were persuaded that she could assist him in securing the presidency, averting a possible prison sentence, and paying tens of millions in legal fees in the event of his defeat.

Republicans with ties to both campaigns hold the belief that reconciling is in the best interests of Haley and Trump, notwithstanding their contentious dispute during the GOP primary and their contrasting positions on significant matters.

With legal fees and efforts to recoup a fundraising deficit against Biden, Trump is in a mad dash to make amends. Conversely, Haley maintains significant connections with donors who harbor skepticism towards the former president.

A reconciliation with Haley, his former UN ambassador, could also assist Trump in retaining some of the college-educated Republicans who continued to support her in the primaries despite her withdrawal.

Haley received over 20% of the vote in the Indiana primary on Tuesday, which also permitted Democrats and independents to participate in the GOP race.

However, certain individuals in close proximity to Trump, such as Donald Trump Jr. and former Fox Host Tucker Carlson hold a firm aversion towards Haley on account of her ultra hawkish track record in matters of foreign policy.

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