
Trump Vows to Protect Free Speech from Threat of Biden-Harris Admin

[Photo Credit: by Gage Skidmore]

During a recent campaign stop, former President Donald Trump reportedly pledged to end the practice of administration officials “colluding” to suppress free speech.

He stated that he intended to terminate any individual who had participated in such activities during the Biden-Harris administration.

The remarks were made by Trump during a rally in Wisconsin over the weekend.

He also proposed that the 25th Amendment be expanded to include the vice president in specific circumstances.

Trump was discussing the press and the reasons why the American public has lost faith in major media outlets when he abruptly shifted his focus to the government’s role in suppressing the First Amendment.

“I will sign an executive order banning any federal employee from colluding to limit speech and we will fire every federal bureaucrat who’s engaged in domestic censorship under the Harris regime. We will do that.” he said.

During the same rally, Trump addressed the fact that Vice President Kamala Harris had been complicit in the concealment of President Joe Biden’s apparent cognitive decline.

She had even stated publicly that she had no remorse for assisting the administration in doing so.

“I will support modifying the 25th amendment to make clear that if a vice president lies or engages in a conspiracy to cover up the incapacity of the president of the United States — if you do that with a cover-up of the president of the United States, it’s grounds for impeachment immediately and removal from office because that’s what they did. That’s what they did.” Trump added.

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