
Boris Johnson Claimed Israeli Prime Minister Planted Bug in His Bathroom During Visit

[Photo Credit: By Foreign and Commonwealth Office - https://www.flickr.com/photos/foreignoffice/28186988902/, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=50132135]

According to Boris Johnson, a listening device was reportedly discovered in his personal toilet at the Foreign Office in 2017 after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attended a visit.

The former Prime Minister, in his latest book, Unleashed, suggests that Netanyahu’s security team may have installed a bugging device in the Foreign Office restrooms.

The former Prime Minister recounted how Netanyahu excused himself from the meeting in order to utilize the facilities.

Johnson later discovered that the lavatory had been bugged during a routine surveillance device sweep.

Additionally, he asserted that he was apprised of the device subsequent to Netanyahu’s visit.

This would not be the initial instance in which Israel has been accused of prospective surveillance.

It was reported in 2019 that Israel may have installed mobile phone surveillance devices in close proximity to the White House.

[READ MORE: 8 Israeli Troops Dead, More Wounded After Brutal Ambush by Hezbollah]

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