
Pope Francis Denounces Attempts to Limit Mass Migration at Southern Border

[Photo Credit: By Mariordo (Mario Roberto Durán Ortiz) - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=69021089]

In addition to condemning efforts to restrict migration at the U.S.-Mexico frontier, Pope Francis reportedly criticized Texas officials for singling out a Catholic charity.

On Sunday, during an interview with Norah O’Donnell on 60 Minutes, the Catholic religious leader urged U.S. policymakers to demonstrate greater compassion for migrants entering the country.

Furthermore, he asserted that “migration contributes to the development of a nation” and exhorted U.S. leaders to halt “the globalization to indifference” regarding human suffering.

Additionally, the pope denounced Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s endeavors to issue a subpoena to a Catholic charity.

The attorney general made an effort to issue a subpoena to Annunciation House, a Catholic charitable organization that provides migrants with temporary accommodation.

“Migration is something that makes a country grow. They say that you, Irish, migrated and brought the whiskey. That the Italians migrated and brought the Mafia. It’s a joke, don’t take it badly. But migrants sometimes suffer a lot. They suffer a lot.” Francis said.

“I grew up in Texas, and I don’t know if you’ve heard, but the state of Texas is attempting to shut down a Catholic charity on the border with Mexico that offers undocumented migrants humanitarian assistance. What do you think of that?” O’Donnell said in response.

“That is madness. Sheer madness. To close the border and leave them there. That is madness. The migrant has to be received. I think thereafter you see how you’re going to deal with them. Maybe you have to send him back. I don’t know. But each case ought to be considered humanely, right?” Francis responded.

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