
Famous Jewish Playwright Tells Fellow Jews to Stop voting for Democrats in Wake of Hamas Terror

[Photo Credit: By David Shankbone - David Shankbone, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3946002]

Jewish writer and celebrated winner David Mamet attacked the Democratic Party, telling Jews that there was “no more cozy mystery in the antisemitism of the Democratic Party” and that they should cease voting for them.

Mamet’s remarks were taken from his essay “How the Democrats betrayed the Jews: The sick thrill of antisemitism has a price,” which he penned recently.

“Today, Jews vote Democratic: electing Presidents who refused to meet with the Israeli Prime Minister (Obama and Biden) in times of ‘peace,’ who gave and give aid to the terrorist state of Iran in exchange for some semi-specified ‘deal.’ American ‘Aid’ to Iran pays for the equipment and ordnance, which is, at this moment, eradicating Jews,” Mamet wrote.

“There is no more cozy mystery in the antisemitism of the Democratic Party; Representatives are affiliated with the Democratic Socialists and pro-Palestinians, calling for the end of the state of Israel — that is, for the death of the Jews. And Democrat Representatives repeat and refuse to retract the libel that Israel bombed a hospital, in spite of absolute proof to the contrary, and will not call out the unutterable atrocities of Hamas. The writing is on the wall. In blood.” he continued.

“In response, the world’s Leftist media calls for the chastisement of Israel and support for Palestine, while those who consider themselves mere ‘liberals’ moderate their cowardice by calling for a ‘ceasefire’ — which is to say, a pause while Hamas re-arms. This is where the libel of the hospital bombing is instructive. It is, quite literally, another example of the West’s oldest, most reliable, and most permissible sick entertainment: the call for Jewish extinction. The invitation, here, is no different from that of the carnival barker: thrills, chills, and excitement galore.” he added.

Mamet has had a lasting impression on the theater and film industries throughout his distinguished career.

Mamet was born in Chicago in 1947, and his career has demonstrated his unmatched ability to write incisive and frequently biting dialogue.

With plays like “American Buffalo” and “Glengarry Glen Ross,” he made a big impression and won the Pulitzer Prize, establishing him as a master of American realism.

Hollywood has also been captivated by Mamet’s unique voice; he wrote screenplays for iconic films like “The Untouchables” and “Wag the Dog.”

Power, masculinity, and the ability for deception are themes that recur in his work.

Mamet continues to have a significant influence on contemporary drama and film, encouraging a great number of playwrights and screenwriters to imitate his distinct aesthetic and sharp storytelling.

David Mamet is a real artist whose legacy lives on, inspiring and challenging audiences all around the world with his work.

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