
Vatican Takes Major Step Toward Affirming Transgenderism

[Photo Credit: By Jean-Pol GRANDMONT - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=19019836]

The influential Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, one of the principal departments responsible for managing the affairs of the Holy See, stated in a document released on Wednesday that transgender believers may be baptized so long as it does not cause scandal or confusion.

In addition, the document, which was formulated in response to inquiries from a Brazilian bishop and endorsed by Pope Francis, made no reservations regarding the sacrament of baptism for the offspring of same-sex unions, be they biological or adopted.

However, by stating it in black and white, the Vatican seems to be emphasizing the significance of the pope’s advocated vision that the Church be “open to all” ever since he assumed office in 2013.

According to a statement from the Vatican, transgender believers “may be baptized under the same conditions as other devout individuals, provided that no circumstance exists that could potentially cause public scandal or unease among the faithful.”

The statement was issued mere days after the conclusion of the Synod’s general assembly, during which bishops and laity deliberated for nearly four weeks on the future of the worldwide Catholic Church.

The meeting brought to light notable geographical and cultural variations concerning crucial matters.

However, the organization’s ultimate conclusions refrained from adopting a stance on numerous issues, such as the legalization of homosexual couples, a notion that conservatives vehemently oppose.

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