
New Poll Shows Vast Majority Support Deporting All Illegals

[Photo Credit: By Jonathan McIntosh - US Immigration Checkpoint, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=64261817]

A new poll indicates that approximately six in ten registered voters, including one-third of Democrats, would support the deportation of all unlawful immigrants by the U.S. government.

The CBS News/YouGov poll released on Sunday revealed that 62% of registered voters endorse a new national program to deport all illegal immigrants.

This proposal is comparable to one that former President Donald Trump has expressed support for. Trump has pledged to execute the “largest deportation” operation in American history if he is re-elected.

Local law enforcement should be granted the authority to identify illegal immigrants residing in the United States, as the majority of respondents to the survey also endorse this measure.

From June 5 to 7, the poll surveyed 1,615 registered voters throughout the United States and “oversampled” individuals in the seven battleground states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Biden’s inaugural year in office, 2021, estimated that there were 10.5 million undocumented immigrants residing in the United States.

Since then, millions more illegal immigrants have crossed the border. Customs and frontier Protection has reported approximately eight million encounters with illegal immigrants at the southwest land frontier in the past three and a half years.

The number in question does not include “gotaways,” who have entered the United States without being detected.

An estimated 1.7 million “gotaways” have occurred during the Biden administration, as reported by the Border Patrol.

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