
Antifa Militant Sentenced to 40 Months in Prison Over Plan to Burn Down Seattle Police Station

[Photo Credit: By The All-Nite Images from NY, NY, USA - March Against Racism and Fascism, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=78604348]

Justin Christopher Moore was reportedly sentenced on Wednesday after being convicted in a conspiracy to burn down the Seattle Police Officers Guild during the BLM Antifa riots in the summer of 2020.

Moore was given a 41-month prison term for making homemade bombs with the intention of setting fire to government property.

On September 7, 2020, Moore, 35, was found guilty of making 12 Molotov cocktails and possessing them during a march to the Seattle police department.

Officers pushed the protesters away from the premises after smelling gasoline, and it was then that they found the package of improvised gasoline bombs.

In September 2022, Moore and the Justice Department came to a plea agreement.

He accepted responsibility for the illegal possession of harmful devices, which carried a potential 10-year sentence. However, the DOJ only requested a shorter period of time.

The Seattle PD, the FBI, and the ATF all participated in his arrest in 2021 on suspicion of conspiring to set the Seattle Police Officers Guild on fire.

Court records state that Moore and a second unidentified conspirator planned to set the SPOG on fire with Molotov cocktails via the communications service Signal.

To coincide with a planned protest at the police union, they prepared the attack for Labor Day 2020.

The notebook that was retrieved from Moore’s car contained a list of materials that can be used to make explosives, including ping-pong balls, matchbooks, rocket candy, black powder, scale, potassium nitrate, magnesium, and masking tape.

The notebook also contained instructions for creating explosive devices.

22 people were taken into custody by Seattle police on September 7, 2020, during the tense rally at SPOG for arson, assault, impeding, and failure to disperse.

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  1. You would think gasoline bombs would be less popular at SloJoes price. Notice that the Dept. of Injustice recommended a light sentence. Especially compared to the J6 protesters, and the threatened lifetime sentence against Trump.

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